After Valentine’s Day, here is March 8, Women’s Day. In just a few weeks, two festive occasions to give flowers. The choice of floral gift is so wide and intoxicating that it almost makes your head spin, like the intense scent of fresh flowers, just given away.
The flower symbol of the woman’s celebration is the mimosa, chosen by the Union of Italian Women in the second post-war period when the holiday was celebrated for the first time. The choice of UDI women fell on these now famous yellow flowers, easy to find and with an intense and lively color.
Since then the custom of giving mimosas and floral arrangements has become a real ritual, which recalls the sacrifice of many women and invites, every year, to respect their role in society.
Who will you give mimosas to? To a friend, girlfriend, wife, mom, sister or a special woman who has won an important place in your heart? The gift will be appreciated in any case and the bouquet of mimosas will show off in a corner of the house.
Talking about mimosas, here are some tips to make them last longer. Once you receive the mimosas as a gift, renew the stem with an oblique and transversal cut and immerse the flowers in a large vase, with lots of water. You can also add a few drops of lemon to counteract the acidity of the water. Finally, remove as soon as possible the cellophane in which the bouquet was packaged by the florist, because this serves to maintain humidity.
Any other ideas to celebrate March 8th? If you are good in the kitchen you could give a cake prepared with your own hands: a mimosa cake, lemon biscuits, for example. Or one of the favorite dishes of the woman of your heart. Other very welcome gifts are accessories: from costume jewelery to bags, from shoes to glasses. As well as high tech gifts or beauty treatments in the beauty farm.
A little bit of good taste and a pinch of savoir-faire are enough to pack your gift. Although, whatever your gift may be on the occasion of Women’s Day, what really matters is letting the women in your life know how important they are to you. Pay tribute to their beauty, their intelligence, their value. And happy March 8!