Gift ideas for women’s day to avoid a crisis on March 8th

Women’s day is coming again and be careful, you have to be prepared. We refer to the male audience today who should, let’s say, have already planned a gift, a surprise, a gesture for his woman for March 8th.

But you, the public of women, do not abandon us and continue reading, because we are about to suggest gifts for you, to your man, so write us your comments so we give even more ideas to these companions.

Gift ideas for women’s day

We want to suggest some gifts that we guarantee will please any woman and which are especially for all budgets.

1) Costume jewelry: whether it is a ring, a necklace or an original pendant, women who love dressing up and will always remember this cute gesture. We suggest costume jewelery because it is the thought that counts and not the value of the gift.

2) Mimosa bouquet with roses: how could mimosas and roses be missing from our Top 10? Without a doubt, an appreciated and sincere gesture that comes from the heart.

roses and mimosas

3) A photograph: have a nice photo printed and buy a nice frame, this idea is full of sentimental value. Better still if you choose a funny photograph …

4) A book: it might seem obvious but if she is a lover of reading, you could give her a book of a biography of a winning woman, for example.

5) A perfume: perfumes are always a gift bomb, but they are also difficult to choose, so if you do not already know the perfume loved by the recipient, you could opt for a less expensive body or cream fragrance, to combine with a flower.

6) Bunch of yellow roses with sparkling wine: if you want to show affection for your woman and even a little jealousy, amaze her with a bunch of yellow roses, always in odd numbers and sparkling wine.

7) Voucher: this is an original gift that can be personalized to the recipient’s character, for example, do you like going to the hairdresser or the SPA? Consult a site that offers vouchers and find something local that suits you.

8) DIY voucher: another very nice idea is to give a homemade coupon, you just need a computer and a printer. For example you could write:

Dinner at the restaurant…. whenever you want” or “Favor of your choice” or “Help with household chores” and so on, you can really indulge yourself with ideas.

9) Sparkling wine and chocolates: another classic always appreciated for any occasion are chocolates, perhaps accompanied by a sparkling wine or prosecco. But be original, for example buy her the brand of wine she loves the most or the chocolates that drive her crazy.

10) Balloons and something that makes her smile: here is the last gift is the one you will have to think a little more about yourself, in fact, we advise you to look for a little thing that makes her feel good, be it a new shirt or a makeup that she needed, it doesn’t matter. Buy her something you know she will appreciate and combine it with helium balloons, can you imagine her surprise? This is definitely a gift from the heart that you have well thought about.

Here you now have the right tools to make a good impression also for Women’s Day, because even if the holiday is for women, it’s the boys who have to adore and amaze them, understand?

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