March 8: 5 gift ideas for 5 types of woman

Women’s day is approaching, do not be taken aback, because you know, men have a moral duty to make a little thought of their own, to remind them when it is special as a companion, but also as a woman.

As Oriana Fallaci writes: “Being a woman is so fascinating. It is an adventure that requires such courage, a challenge that never ends. ”So let’s pay homage to these women who are wives, mothers, grandmothers, workers, housewives, drivers, cooks and whatever, are the center of our life.

But what to give her? Well something that suits you. How is your you?

Choose one of the profiles that most resembles it and then wake up the most suitable gift.

5 bomb gift ideas for every type of woman

It is known that each woman is unique, however your woman could look more like one guy than another, that’s how your she is?

Read the descriptions and discover the most suitable gift.

  1. Traditionalist: this woman is full of values, cares a lot for family and traditions, she never forgets to celebrate a holiday and an event. Your woman is one with her feet on the ground, probably on March 8th, she will go out to eat for her friends and then thunder at home with you. The only thing she wants for this special day is the classic and fragrant mimosa, as a symbol of your love.
  2. Dreamer: this woman is the romantic dreamer par excellence, she has always wanted to find her Prince Charming and live happily ever after. Maybe she’ll be home with you on this women’s day. Do you think you are his Prince Charming? So, don’t disappoint her and be attentive. What she wants is a gift that symbolizes your love, then surprise her with a nice gesture, maybe book a hotel for the weekend accompanied by a note that expresses all your appreciation.
  3. Rebel: unlike the woman profiles described above, the rebel does not want to conform to traditions and for her, women should not even have a party, so much the same as men. Well, since your woman is anti-women’s day, it doesn’t mean you should be too! So tonight, treat her in a special way, cook her dinner and maybe give her a complete underwear, it will make her feel unique.
  4. Eternal teenager: this is the young, sporty woman who feels twenty even if she is over forty. On March 8, she will go to the disco and take advantage of it to attend a striptease – it’s women’s day after all! Don’t be jealous, you know how she’s made, she doesn’t do it with malice, she’s just cheerful and sparkling. For women’s day, leave her space, she wants to celebrate with her friends, but don’t forget about her. Maybe give her a short visit, give her something youthful, for example the concert tickets of her favorite band or the entrance to a disco she has always wanted to see …
  5. Independent: she is one of these strong and independent women, she always wants to do it alone and always wants to win, she is the successful woman par excellence. Despite its hard peel, a woman full of sweetness is hidden inside. This March 8, she will probably visit the family or be with her friends, or she will be alone at home, if she doesn’t want to celebrate. What could you give to such a woman?Something magical, surely, something that makes her understand that she needs you to feel special. Opt for a cute dress, even if it has a full wardrobe, buy something unexpected that takes her off guard, remember to add a note full of praise.

Now you are gifted with knowledge, you cannot take missteps. Think about your woman and give her a special gift …


Women have always had to struggle twice. They always had to carry two burdens, the private one and the social one. Women are the backbone of societies.


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