The elegance of the Lysianthus

Lysianthus is a flower that conquers everyone for its grace and elegance. Suitable for home environments but also for ceremonies, it furnishes and embellishes with its discreet and refined presence.

It belongs to the Gentianaceae family and is an annual herbaceous plant native to the warm areas of the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean and South America.

Lysianthus boasts a recent history: its discovery dates back to the 19th century, when it arrived in Scotland, in the Glasgow Garden. From there, the flower spread to Europe and France in particular and today it is increasingly appreciated.

The other name of the Lysianthus is Eustoma, from the Greek eu (beautiful, good) and stoma (mouth, opening): a name that suggests the opening towards the other, the feelings of love, the heart that declares itself. In England it is known as the “Chariot of Venus” and for this reason it is attributed the message “Fly with me”. It is certainly one of the most suitable flowers to declare oneself to the beloved.

The Lysianthus plant is composed of very long and thin stems that can reach 50 cm in length, accompanied by long, slender and intense colored leaves, a green tending towards blue. The flower of the plant is located at the top of the stem: first it is a bud which then, blooming, turns into a rich “bellflower” with velvety petals. Flowering begins in May and ends in October.

It is precisely the beautiful flowers of the Lysianthus that make it so popular: the corolla of petals is bell-shaped, vaguely resembles a rose and can be of different colors such as purple, pink, lilac, purple, yellow or White.

They are not fragrant flowers, but they are beautiful in all shades and perfect for making bouquets and bouquets as gifts. If you then know the meaning of each color of the Lysianthus, the message reaches the heart of the person to whom the floral tribute is paid.

For example, the yellow Lysianthus speaks of jealousy. It is an appreciated gift but it can sound like a kind of warning: I love you but I am jealous. Give it with caution! The blue Lysianthus has a hue that turns towards intense purple. It is a color that expresses penance. Giving it means asking for forgiveness for our lack of tact.

The lilac or pink flowers of the Lysianthus are among the rarest and therefore most popular. The pink one expresses sincere love, the purple one speaks of a feeling of love just born. The most neutral and widespread color is white: associated with grace and elegance, the white Lysianthus is particularly suitable for official ceremonies and is among the favorite flowers of brides.

Some advice for those who want to grow Lysianthus: the seeds must be planted from November to February and the external temperature must be on average 15 degrees. It is in fact a plant that needs moisture and heat and which may not survive below 5 degrees.

If we keep Lysianthus at home, we will place it in a cool, well-ventilated place. It is important that you never receive the sun’s rays directly because the petals are likely to burn. At home or outside, it must also be defended by ladybugs and mites, its main enemies.

Your trusted florist will be able to show you the best care for this plant with such a refined appearance or will guide you in choosing the most suitable composition to give to the person you want to express your deepest feelings. All in the name of grace and elegance that distinguish the Lysianthus.

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