10 fun gift ideas to discover

Would you like to amaze your friends with funny gift ideas that nobody had thought of? Then continue reading the article: inspiration guaranteed!

The ten gift ideas you hadn’t thought of

1) Perfect gift for a group of friends – that will never grow

Do you think it’s nice to meet up with friends at the park and wear inflatable balls and then fight … You can also organize many creative and wild games because wearing these inflatables there is no danger of getting hurt. This is also a gift for yourself, to go back to being a little boy.

Reference: Amazon

2) Chef Fabio Potenzano’s dinner cooked at home

You will be thinking this idea will cost me an eye of the head, but no! You can savor a special recipe from the chef for the modest sum of 32 euros with My Cooking Box which contains all the ingredients to cook a dinner with bows. In addition, the box is delivered to your home directly. Surprise someone special with a typical Sicilian dinner, discover My Cooking Box >>

3) For those who raise their elbows a bit often

If you know someone who loves wine more than his own family, then this is the right gift! A giant wine glass: think it contains a bottle of whole wine. Look on the bright side, when he drinks he will also do some exercise to raise this monster by the glass.

Reference: Amazon

4) For those who love pizza

You might expect to find a gift idea that has to do with pizza … And you are not wrong, but perhaps you will not think that we are offering you socks! Imagine the amazement when your friend opens the box and finds elegant pizza-socks.

Reference: Amazon


5) Tetris lamp

If you know someone who is crazy about classic video games, there is no better gift than a removable LED lamp with which he can play tetris. Do you think he will have fun with the bricks?

Reference: amazon

6) Funny gift ideas for cactus heads

For a really ironic and carefree gift to make to a friend who does not take himself too seriously is a nice jar of cactus that precisely depicts a head, making you think of the joke instantly “cactus head”.

Reference: http://carpediem-milano.it/product/vasetto-testa-di-cactus/

7) Love unicorns?

If you know someone who is crazy about unicorns, you can opt for a fun but a bit naughty gift, that is canned unicorn meat. What a horror! In truth, the box contains a chopped unicorn plush. Let’s hope he doesn’t take too much …

Reference: https://www.get-digital.it/Carne-di-unicorno-in-scatola.html

8) For your single friend

To make someone who complains a little too much about not having a man next to them smile, the most appropriate gift idea is an arm-shaped pillow, so your friend can console herself when she feels alone at night. I bet you will find it comfortable and comforting …

Reference: https://www.regali.it/cuscino-abbraccio.html 

9) Gift for a couple all pepper

One of the classic fun gifts is kitchen aprons. What we offer you today is the purchase of two aprons for a couple of superheroes.

Reference: Amazon

10) For those who hate washing dishes and don’t have a dishwasher

We end in beauty, with one of the fun gift ideas that many will find useful: gloves for washing dishes that also act as a sponge. They save time and don’t ruin your hands. What do you think about it? I’m sure you know someone who hates this household affair too.

Reference: Amazon

What is the funniest gift you have received? Leave a comment.

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