A bouquet of roses is the perfect gift, but how many roses to give?

We all agree that red roses are a romantic and always well-received gift, the only doubt that many ask themselves is: how many roses to give? What is the ideal and suitable number for the occasion?

Popular tradition has always led us to believe that roses should always be given in odd numbers, but is this really the case?

In truth, there are occasions when you can give roses in even numbers, don’t you believe it? Read on to find out more and to find out the meaning behind the number of roses you receive.

How many roses to give: numbers and meanings

1 rose only

The meaning of a single rose is not unique, but it depends on the situation. For example, if given on a first date, it is a sign of gallantry and symbolizes love at first sight. On the other hand, when a rose is given as a gift in more consolidated relationships, it is a gesture that makes the partner understand that you are still in love.

3 roses

Usually three roses represent the two lovers and the love they share.

5 roses

By giving a bouquet of 5 roses the message you will transmit will be that of a secret agreement, accomplice.

6 roses

Generally 6 red roses are given for an engagement, so as you can see, roses can also be given in even numbers. The six roses also represent infatuation so they are also ideal to amaze at one of the first dates.

7 rosew

If you give someone 7 roses, you are telling them that they are really special for you and you would like to start an exclusive relationship.

11 roses

The eleven red roses are ideal for communicating to someone that they are the only person that matters romantically, of course.

12 roses

If a bouquet of six red roses is for engagement, 12 red roses are given as a gift on the occasion of an important engagement or wedding and literally mean: “You are mine!”, As you can see also in this case it is an even number.

24 roses

The 24 roses are given to say: “You are always in my thoughts”, in fact, the number 24 could symbolize the hours of a day.

33 roses

Surely you have also heard that it is also very common to give 33 roses, which symbolize deep love.

50 roses

If you have ever received such a large number of roses, consider yourself lucky and I bet it was a nice surprise. In fact, 50 or 100 roses are given to amaze.

How many roses would you like to receive or have you given away?

Maybe reading about roses and the symbolic meanings related to numbers, did you think of a special someone to send a bouquet of roses to? Discover all the roses available on our site and complete the order in a single click to have them delivered to your home.

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