How to take care of an Azalea

Azaleas are beautiful flowering plants native to North America and Asia and can be grown both in the soil and in pots.

This plant blooms in May / June and is often regarded as the perfect Mother’s Day gift for this reason. If you are interested in buying an Azalea you can visit this page or continue reading to find out how to take care of it.

How to take care of an Azalea: 5 tips

Azalea is a plant of the Rhododendron genus, this name derives from two Greek words that mean “pink tree”, although not all plants have pink flowers. Before going to see how to take care of an Azalea, it is good to point out that there are various species and the advice given is valid for all.

1) Soil: Like peony, Azalea loves subacid soil, ideally pH 5.5-6. So if by chance you already have an Azalea and it is not growing luxuriantly, it could really depend on the type of soil. Another thing to pay attention to is the drainage of the pot, in fact, it is advisable to put plenty of gravel or similar on the bottom, to allow excess water to escape.

2) Temperature: this flowering plant loves mild temperatures between 8 and 20 degrees, so in winter it would be better to keep it indoors. In summer, on the other hand, it is better to keep the plant in a shady area of ​​the garden and in any case, away from direct sunlight.

3) Watering: in winter it will be sufficient to water the Azalea once a week, check that the soil is always moist. In the summer, this plant needs a lot of water. Just look at the ground, which must never be arid. And then, very interesting to know, is that these plants love rainwater, if you don’t have the possibility to collect it, then opt for tap water, but wait 24 hours before watering. If the tap water is rich in limestone, on the other hand, you have to find another solution because these plants hate limestone, even as a component of the soil.

4) Pruning: if your plant is getting too big for your space or if you just want it to be more compact, it might be a good idea to prune it after the flowering season, so don’t be afraid and cut the twigs.

5) Fertilizers: to preserve the beauty and growth of these plants over time it is good to buy special fertilizers. You can find them in any garden shop, the only precaution is to buy fertilizers for rhododendron and not generic ones.

Here, with these five tips you are ready to take care of this wonderful plant that brings joy just to see it. And as we told you before, if you are interested in buying an Azalea and having it delivered directly to your home, take a look at our website >>> and as usual, if you have any advice on how to take care of an Azalea, leave a comment.

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