Flowers Delivery to Rome

Rome is the capital of Italy, regional capital and metropolitan city. The municipality of Rome is the largest and by far the most populous in Italy. It is a large cosmopolitan city with an artistic, architectural and cultural history that has influenced the whole world and dates back to almost 3000 years ago.

With your sweetheart or with your family, Rome is the perfect place to spend weekend a 2-3 day, especially as the city can be easily explored on foot.

So, what to see in Rome? Below are the major tourist attractions:

1. The Colosseum

2. The Roman Forum

3. The Palatine Hill

4. Venice square

5. Campidoglio square

6. The Pantheon

7. Piazza Navona

8. The Trevi Fountain

9. Piazza di Spagna

10. Visit the churches of Rome

11. Villa Borghese Gardens

12. Visit the museums of Rome

13. Piazza del Popolo

14. Castel Sant’Angelo

15. The Vatican

16. St. Peter’s Square

17. Saint Peter’s Church

18. Trastevere

19. Campo de ‘Fiori

20. San Lorenzo

21. Aventine Hill

22. Catacombs of Rome

What floral gifts can we deliver to Rome?

We have a large catalog of floral gifts that our florists can deliver to Rome even in the same day, here you can find a detailed list of bouquets, floral arrangements and plants available for delivery in Rome.

The bouquet suggested by our florists is the Bouquet Rome, a bouquet of mixed flowers Rome, an elegant combination of flowers and colors.

What services do we offer for home delivery?

Delivery of flower bouquets, floral arrangements, green plants and flowering plants

Delivery of flowers for funerals

Home delivery of gift baskets

Home delivery of cakes

Where are our florists in Rome?

We have several affiliated florists and flowers shops that cover the whole city of Rome and allow us to deliver flowers and plants in the following areas: I Flaminio, II Parioli, III Pinciano, IV Salario, V Nomentano, VI Tiburtino, VII Prenestino-Labicano, VIII Tuscolano, IX Appio -Latino, X Ostiense, XI Portuense, XII Gianicolense, XIII Aurelio, XIV Triumphal, XV Della Vittoria, XVI Monte Sacro, XVII Trieste, XVIII Tor di Quinto, XIX Prenestino-Centocelle, XX Ardeatino, XXI Pietralata, XXII Collatino, XXIII Alessandrino , XXIV Don Bosco, XXV Appio Claudio, XXVI Appio-Pignatelli, XXVII Primavalle, XXVIII Monte Sacro Alto, XXIX Ponte Mammolo, XXX San Basilio, XXXI Giuliano-Dalmata, XXXII Europe, XXXIII Lido di Ostia Ponente, XXXIV Lido di Ostia Levante, XXXV Lido of Castel Fusano

Are you wondering if we deliver flowers only to Rome?

Our home delivery service for flowers and plants covers also all the provinces and cities of Lazio.

Rely on our network of affiliated florists selected according to our quality standards for the delivery of floral gifts to:  AffileAgostaAlbano LazialeAllumiereAnguillara SabaziaAnticoli CorradoAnzioArcinazzo RomanoArdeaAricciaArsoliArtenaBellegraBraccianoCamerata NuovaCampagnano di RomaCanale MonteranoCanteranoCapenaCapranica PrenestinaCarpineto RomanoCasapeCastel GandolfoCastel MadamaCastel San Pietro RomanoCastelnuovo di PortoCaveCerreto LazialeCervara di RomaCerveteriCiampinoCicilianoCineto RomanoCivitavecchiaCivitella San PaoloColleferroColonnaFiano RomanoFilaccianoFiumicinoFonte NuovaFormelloFrascatiGallicano nel LazioGavignanoGenazzanoGenzano di RomaGeranoGorgaGrottaferrataGuidonia MontecelioJenneLabicoLadispoliLanuvioLarianoLicenzaMagliano RomanoMandelaManzianaMarano EquoMarcellinaMarinoMazzano RomanoMentanaMonte CompatriMonte Porzio CatoneMonteflavioMontelanicoMontelibrettiMonterotondoMontorio RomanoMoriconeMorlupoNazzanoNemiNerolaNettunoOlevano RomanoPalestrinaPalombara SabinaPercilePisonianoPoliPomeziaPonzano RomanoRianoRignano FlaminioRiofreddoRocca CanteranoRocca di CaveRocca di PapaRocca PrioraRocca Santo StefanoRoccagiovineRoiateRomaRovianoSacrofanoSambuciSan CesareoSan Gregorio da SassolaSan Polo dei CavalieriSan Vito RomanoSant’Angelo RomanoSant’OresteSanta MarinellaSaracinescoSegniSubiacoTivoliTolfaTorrita TiberinaTrevignano RomanoVallepietraVallinfredaValmontoneVelletriVicovaroVivaro RomanoZagarolo

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