News about flowers

5 gift ideas for autumn to warm the heart

Autumn is one of the most colorful and romantic seasons, but together with the changing colors, the cold of winter is getting closer and closer. Let's face it, with the hands of the clock going back an hour, the days get shorter and we all get a little gloomy remembering the beautiful summer season. Do you think that the decrease in the hours of sunlight causes discontent and anxiety for 50% ...

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Gift Ideas to be delivered in France for July 14th

July 14 is the well-known French national holiday, which commemorates the storming of the Bastille which took place on that day in 1789. Not many people actually know that the holiday was established since July 14, 1790 commemorates the Feast of the Federation, or the French national unity. Undoubtedly, this is an important day for the French, in which we witness fireworks, a military parade on the Champs-Élysées and many other ...

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Christmas 2020: 5 ideas to celebrate without thinking about Covid

So yes you know that this Christmas 2020 will not be the same as in other years: a carefree day to spend time with loved ones and unwrap some gifts, also because many will not be able to meet their families, or even worse are going through a very long period. difficult both emotionally and economically. But there are also ways to try to spend this day a little more in ...

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Mother’s day between tradition and modernity

Mother's Day returns, like every year, on the second Sunday of May. The whole world celebrates the maternal figure, motherhood and the social role of mothers, who on the same day as the "Mother's day", who on slightly different dates: the recurrence however has a spring cadence linked to the cycle of natural rebirth after a long winter. Furthermore, it is no coincidence that the association of the festival with ...

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5 gift ideas for Easter – even if in quarantine

This year Easter will be really different because of Covid-19, at a time when precautionary measures prevent us from celebrating with friends and relatives, it is not said that you cannot wish Happy Easter to those closest to you with May 1. So let's see how to be close to someone special while being away through 5 Easter gift ideas that do not break the quarantine. Virtual gift ideas for Easter 1) Wine, ...

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Valentine’s day gift ideas

Are you also looking for gift ideas for Valentine's Day this 2020? Why not?! In the end this is an opportunity to celebrate love and pamper yourself a little. “Valentine's Day: one more opportunity to love, love each other and be loved.” - Jean Paul Malfatti So why not take advantage of this holiday to remember the importance of feelings and love in our lives? Here, a list of gift ideas for ...

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Valentine’s Day gifts for him: 5 special ideas

Are you also looking for Valentine's Day gifts for him? You are not the only one, 9900 searches a year are registered on Google and it is no wonder, because it becomes increasingly difficult to find the perfect and non-trivial gift for the party of lovers. So, get ready for Valentine thanks to our advice, here is the ranking of the 5 special gift ideas for him for February 14th! 5 Valentine's ...

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Flowers, gifts, kisses and hugs for Valentine’s Day!

Little, very little is missing on Valentine's Day! The feast of lovers is approaching and we must celebrate it with dignity, with flowers, gifts, surprises, love phrases, kisses and hugs. Don't be unprepared and organize something special to make it unforgettable on February 14th. If you are short of ideas or inspiration, let's see together how to get to Valentine's Day sure you have thought of everything, ready and in love! As ...

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10 gift ideas for your best friend for 10 different occasions

Your best friend is like a sister, she is a part of you and you know perfectly well that you would never be the same person without her. This is also why every time there is a special occasion in sight, you squeeze your brains to find the right gift for her. Even if you know it as your pocket, sometimes choosing the right thought seems an impossible feat, that's why we ...

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