You will not be missed that the first mimosas are already in bloom. And you may have noticed that, along with roses or other flowers given on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, have appeared bouquets of mimosa. Their time is coming , indeed . The day that will be part and at the same time ambassadors of homage, respect and memory for International Women’s Day, March 8th.
Imported into the European Union in the early nineteenth century, the mimosa is a plant native from Australia and in Europe has found the ideal climate to grow and develop . Its branches bloom in late winter and with their pale yellow give a delicate touch of color to the gray of winter, shyly announcing the joy of spring.
According to the American Indians, the flowers of mimosa symbolize strength and femininity. And here we find one of the reasons for the choice of mimosa flower as a symbol of 8 March . But the plant twigs yellow has another meaning, historical and social value .
The mimosa was in fact chosen as the flower to commemorate the 129 workers died in a fire in New York factory where they worked and where protesting the inhumane working conditions to which they were subject. The sad incident occurred just 8 March 1908.
In 1946, the UDI ( Union of Italian Women ) chose the perfect flower to symbolize mimosa as International Women’s Day , the first International Women’s Day after the war. The choice was almost inevitable : the mimosa is one of the few plants to bloom in early March , and also had the advantage of being inexpensive.
Today, almost 70 years after the first International Women’s Day , the mimosa is still the undisputed symbol of 8 March and the leitmotif of a day that celebrates the human and social value of women. Wives, girlfriends , mothers, grandmothers, sisters, friends , co-workers : in all of them should be a small but heartfelt tribute .
Every woman in your life will welcome with joy even just a simple wish on your part. If you add a small floral gift, you will have made the right choice !
Along with mimosa, there are other flowers that you can give on the occasion of International Women’s Day. There are a few suggestions , each with a special meaning. Perfect to combine with mimosa and to deliver a personalized message .
The narcissus: yellow and solar. It symbolizes the vanity , understood as self-confidence , strength and a bit of frivolity.
The tulip , a flower that is about love. Perfect for a friend, a mother or a sister. A flower delicate and strong at the same time, which evokes the image of a warrior princess .
The orchid: a symbol of sensuality, it is the flower of femininity and sex appeal , with a hint of irony.
The myrtle: once considered sacred to the goddess Aphrodite, today is a symbol of femininity and fruitful considered the “plant of the brides .”
Cyclamen: the perfect flower for girls of all ages . Shy and cheerful, strong and valuable , it is a symbol of purity that blooms in adversity.
The camellia, a flower that represents admiration. A declaration of love and respect for all women who know how to be assertive .
Azalea: Azalea in Chinese culture is a symbol of femininity. And ‘ the flower ” doc” to give to women.
The amaryllis symbolizes the pride , but also the care and dedication. A perfect flower to give to a companion of life .